LifeGate Freedom Recovery came about as a result of tragedy, a mother and a son overdosing and passing from this world on the same day in two different towns. The month before they were in our church and came down to the alter seeking the Lord to deliver them from the pain that the mother was in just after getting out of prison. The son was clean and wanted his mother to get delivered also. They were prayed with, they were talked to and encouraged, yet they never came back.What happened? They went back to using and would end up passing from this world quickly. This tragedy is repeated over and over again all over this country every day and the Lord said I want you to tell people what I did for you, how I delivered you out of the pits of hell and set your feet upon the Rock. It takes the combination of spiritual deliverance and then allowing God's word to come alive in you through everyday situations. Just as Christ taught us to use the Word of God to defeat the evil one we must use the Word in the same manner. The problem is that most people who are delivered from addictions need an intense renewing of their minds daily according to God's word. It takes someone discipling them that they can relate to and know they can trust, then mentoring and holding them accountable in order to restore and renew his/her mind. That is what LifeGate is all about. We give them an intense discipling program that uses everyday life situations and applies the Word in a way that a person can understand. We offer group settings and individual counseling. We are going forward with a campaign to add housing for those that need it so that they can have a safe place to strengthen their inner being. We currently house about 30 men here at the ranch.The demand is growing daily for those that come out of the lifestyle and have no where safe to go. We love to see a person come to us who is helpless and in desperation only to see the power of God move on them and uplift them as they are housed and fed. We teach them life-skills, then a man learns to fish so that he may support himself and then to see that person a year later helping others and giving others the hope that they themselves didn't have just a short time ago just makes a person want to cry out of joy because we know then that a person has truly been delivered, never having to use again, by the Grace of God.